Canned 1884
Conservas 1884 is a Spanish company located in Camariñas, a fishing village of vital importance on the Costa da Morte (province of La Coruña).
This project has been created by the cerdeiras family, linked to the world of the sea for generations, either as owners of fishing boats or as industrial janitors.
It is precisely from this last activity, the production of canned fish and canned seafood, from which is derived the main brand of our products, preserved 1884, because it was in that year that the first production plant (which still exists today) was created , becoming in a short time one of the main economic and employment engines of this traditionally forgotten area.
They are already 130 years of countless experiences and learning, which we intend to dump on the products we now offer.
Because the 1884 range aims to recover the craftsmanship of the traditional production of fish preserves, complementing it with the advantages that current technologies can bring in in terms of ensuring sanitary hygienic quality and in making your shopping experience more comfortable and close.