All you need to know about truffles not to go back to throwing your money away

All you need to know about truffles not to go back to throwing your money away

According to the RAE, the nose is “Variety very aromatic criadilla de tierra”. That is to say, an edible mushroom that is born under the earth bound strongly to the roots of some trees that are known under the name of truferos.

The value of this fungus is usually very high in the market and in the kitchen due to the shortage and its difficult collection, which often causes it to look at truffles, for a value of 6000 euros per kilo.

A delicacy, an gourmet product, that you’re not going to eat all day, that much is clear, and is not available throughout the year, has seasons like almost everything, and the most important for the black truffles on Christmas day.

But how and what we see in the supermarket at € 3 what is it?

If, when you go to do the weekly shopping, we stopped at the session where they found a few tiny boats where they are truffles. For the curious, we have ventured to buy it, believing that it is very cheap (although they tend to weigh 10 grams), and excited as we went home happy, the result sure, it was awful.

So it is, and especially because you found a food tasteless, that I didn’t have that taste that truffles are known worldwide. What a scam!, say.

to Think that, if you haven’t tried the authentic, the people are excited about something that doesn’t have much flavor; or if you have been lucky enough to enjoy a good truffle, you’ll know that you’ve bought is not for nothing a truffle authentic.

How to distinguish a good and delicious truffle?

Simply, learning the names of the truffles most popular, and the most important, and knowing to recognize them at first glance. It will help you!

Although, currently, there are in total more than 150 varieties of truffles, we will focus on the most well-known.

black Truffle or truffle Perigord: The first mushroom you find is the most appreciated by consumers. Its scientific name is Tuber melanosporum and their harvest season runs from November to march.

Contains an intense aroma and a great touch to be used in cooking to convert a simple dish into a delicacy. Muy apreciada en la alta cocina, siendo España y Francia los principales productores de este hongo tan delicioso.

Trufa blanca o tartufo bianco piamontés: la variedad más cara del mercado, la podemos encontrar antes de que comience el frío, es decir, entre los meses que comprenden el principio de verano a principios de otoño.

Su nombre científico es Tuber magnatum y es considerada una auténtica joya gastronómica, hasta el punto de denominarse oro blanco comestible. Taste and unmistakable aroma, it has a high price and is more delicate than the black truffle.

Truffle of summer: this variant is known for to be confused with the black truffle, but with a quality that is actually lower than the one mentioned above. Its scientific name is Tuber aestivum, and is the main component when we buy something in the supermarkets with the denominator of the product truffled or truffle.

Actually, this product only has small amounts of the truffle quality in itself, the black or the white, and the rest will be of this truffle of summer that has nothing to do with it. That! yes!, with care that we do not charge the same amount that your were truffle quality with this variant.

Truffle china: the last kind that we encounter most often in the market is the truffle china. Without almost any gastronomic value, is the one that we are going to try to sneak with exorbitant prices and quality to be null.

This product comes from, as his name indicates, of the China and is known as Tuber indicum. This variant is, as you well understand, in that pot I mentioned at the start, I do not know just anything, and that is worth more than it should be.

therefore, you must be careful with what we buy. That we don’t try to stick with quality when there is nothing of the good product in its composition and, when in doubt, always ask to avoid to buy a fiasco in your next purchase.

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