Why to eat organic food gourmet

The consumption of organic food is one of the practices that more strength is gaining in the last few years, rising as an alternative each time more powerful and consolidated as compared to the traditional products. Today, it is a rare supermarket that does not have a section of organic food or the neighborhood in which there is a grocery store entirely dedicated to it. But what are in reality organic foods? Is it worth it to pay that small additional cost that is often associated with their consumption? Are they really more healthy to our health?

Basically, organic foods are those that have gone through a process of development (cultivation, growth, and conservation) that does not include chemicals or practices alien to the natural cycles (such as pesticides, additives, or synthetic fertilizers, genetic engineering, or accelerators of growth). This is the main reason why their price is a little higher than that of the foods commonly distributed, since their production requires more time and more labor —which lead, of course, additional costs—. As a result, thanks to this dynamic, productive agriculture and organic livestock farming contribute to the sustainable development of the ecosystems and of the work, the time you offer food with higher nutritional values —such as they have shown an infinity of analysis and scientific studies to the length and breadth of the planet.

in Addition to preserving the environment —by respecting the cycles marked by the nature— farming, ranching and farming and prevent the abuse and animal abuse, an aspect quite important for any person with a minimum of consciousness —ecological and human—. The animals are not treated with antibiotics nor are they applied to synthetic hormones. In addition, the food with which they feed the animals also lack of chemicals, and do not force you to eat and to live by methods that are unhealthy. In this way, this process becomes part of a whole, adding to the naturalness of the described above. In short, the ecological dynamics favor the proper use of water and soil, reduce pollution and are friendly with the animal and plant kingdoms.

organic food and health

One of the main reasons that argue the advocates of organic food is that the foods produced are healthier for humans. Although among the scientific community, this assertion is not unanimous, there are many studies that corroborate. Among many other benefits, it has been shown by various research that the organic food contains a higher concentration of antioxidants, as well as a few much lower levels of toxic heavy metals for our body —especially in the long—term. Also, in regards to the meat and the milk green, a recent study —2016— showed that these contained 50% more fatty acids beneficial to human health.

In terms of the safety of organic food, these are subject to a special law —given the particularities of its production— which does not mean, as we strive to highlight the many detractors of the current ecological, sanitary procedures by the that happen to be less rigorous. Or a lot less. All in all, and despite the fact that organic foods are pass through quality controls as demanding as the conventional food, the distrust remains one of the major obstacles against which they must continue to fight the farming and organic livestock farming —especially due to the obvious commercial interests of the traditional industry, that foster an ongoing rumours about the dangers of eco—. In short, and for the peace of mind of the consumer, it is necessary to point out that the consumption of organic food is, at least, as safe as the traditional foods.

In summary, and given that the scientific community has not reached consensus with massive respect, it would not be legitimate to claim that organic foods are higher quality and possess a taste for more authentic and tasty, at least not in an exhaustive manner. What is indisputable is that both agriculture and the organic livestock farming promotes a mode of production much more ethical and logical that the traditional methodology capitalist, more than enough reason to follow promoted the consumption of organic foods.

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