Hams and sausages without additives

All cured products require salts (sodium chloride) and preservatives such as nitrates and nitrites, which prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, which are harmful to health.

The main benefit of additives is that they prolong the preservation of food, maintaining its organoleptic properties (color, aroma and flavor) and preserving a more attractive and palatable appearance for the consumer. Some additives even prevent the appearance of diseases, as is the case with certain antioxidants.

When processed meat is cooked, chemical reactions occur with nitrites, the effects of which are not beneficial to health, so experts advise limiting their consumption.

To limit or eliminate the use of nitrites in processed meat, both emerging technologies such as high pressure processing are used, as well as the use of different extracts of plant origin, microbial sources and organic acids, which have proven to be very effective as alternatives to nitrites.

Our Hams and sausages without additives Our hams and sausages without additives are based on a first quality raw material, with strict regulations on food safety and hygiene, also thanks to the use of the latest advances in the technological processes of evaluation, control and traceability in production, obtaining guarantees in hygiene, conservation and storage of hams and sausages.

Therefore, to obtain a quality sausage, we take care that our organic pigs are fed exclusively with products from organic farming, in open pens where they are in their natural habitat, with a high degree of freedom.

All this is done in compliance with animal welfare regulations, including that they cannot be medicated. Organic production pigs are based on cereals from crops free of transgenic crops and in which pesticides and other chemical products vetoed by regulatory regulations have not been used.

In addition, organically produced pigs must have access to fresh fodder to facilitate their digestion. When drying, they cannot contain pollutants, so only sea salt and natural products can be used.

Pork fat from organic food contains a very important part of unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for a healthy and balanced diet.

Within a privileged natural high mountain environment, our Hams and sausages without additives are made with a slow and quality production, cured in an open window with the latest advances in certification and technological innovation of processes.

Its production is 100% natural without preservatives or additives so it does not contain nitrates or additives harmful to health.

Selección de Jamones y embutidos sin aditivos

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