Cafes El Criollo

We select the best coffees in origin

The most prestigious coffee farms in the world send us samples of their last crops.

The coffee comes to us in green beans and we toast it to evaluate its quality, through tasting to the Brazilian, among others.

After evaluating its virtues, we select those that we consider most appropriate for our customers and that we consider to be more suited to their tastes or that provide an interesting cup profile.

The optimum roasting point and the best blends”

We have dedicated our whole life to the knowledge of coffee, that is why we take very into account the organoleptic qualities of each origin to maintain and extol its attributes, being our slow and traditional roasting one of our identity stamps.

Creole coffees, an essential step that defines the quality of our coffees.

The success of our blends also lies in our knowledge of the specific characteristics that define each origin and in knowing how to mix the precise quantity of each one, so that the final result is rich in aromas and palate.

Cafes El Criollo : Transparency and professionalism

Behind every kilo of coffee there is an exemplary, professional and transparent productive and administrative management. Our human team is a value that best defines us.

Among the members of our staff we have, for example, Roberto Chueca, of the first promotion of Spanish professionals linked to the coffee industry, trained with the Q Arabica Grader certificate. This professional distinction granted by The Coffee Quality Intitute and The Specialty Coffee Association of America. It is recognized by all producers and accredits its high knowledge of coffee internationally.

Cafes El Criollo, our goal

Our goal is for our customers to enjoy, as we enjoy, our quality coffee and the hostels serve in their establishments the perfect cup. We believe that the training and the greater degree of knowledge of coffee and its various preparations are fundamental to the development of the hotel industry of the future.

For this reason, from Cafés El Criollo we have promoted the culture of coffee through different initiatives including being one of the promoters of the I championship of Baristas of Aragon and founding member of the Cultural Association of Baristas of Aragon (ACBA). As well as the creation of our Barista classroom or different formations, tastings and talks that we carry out day by day, both to professionals of the hotel sector and to those who have a personal interest to know more about coffee.

Creole coffees, experience over 100 years

Our activity coffee has been developed over three centuries: from the late NINETEENTH century, through the development of our consolidation and recognition during the TWENTIETH century and today, in the TWENTY-first century, we continue our path with great projection.

Throughout all these years and in our eagerness to know all that was related to the coffee world, we have preserved and acquired objects, machines and books in a collection that we now exhibit in our museum.

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