Conservas Rosara

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Preserves Rosara
Conservas Rosara is located in the heart of the ribera Navarra, in northern Spain. Where on the banks of the Ebro River grow the best fruits of the orchard, thanks to the favorable climate, the fertile land and good making of its people.

Rosara since its foundation back in 1986 has had as its primary objective to offer quality. The quality is not only achieved by selecting those fruits of recognized prestige and with a designation of origin such as the Asparagus of Navarra or the peppers of the piquillo De Lodosa. It is also achieved with careful crafting, with all that this implies: hand peeling, packaging without preservatives or dyes, roasting with firewood… etc

Good taste is an important factor in Rosara, and for this reason our kitchen offers multiple delicious dishes such as peppers stuffed with sole and prawns in grape sauce or creme de marisco that are part of our extensive menu. Some of the Rosara dishes are made following the traditional recipes of our ancestors and others are born in our cuisine, fruit of innovation. Of course our dishes, sauces, creams, mousses… etc. do not have any additives that would undermine the good taste of our gastronomy.

The client Areas is a demanding one, with a palate privileged, that appreciates the effort we make in Areas to let you enjoy more than 160 delights, which are more and more thanks to the continuous launch of new products, all of them with the quality and the prestige with which has already been Canned Craft Areas.

Nuestra puntuación en a Trustprofile Opiniones es 9.5/10 basado en 265 opiniones.