Turmeon Bodegas Jaime
History of Turmeon Bodegas Jaime

Like many other centuries-old wineries in our country, the history of our winery dates back to 1865, just before phylloxera appeared in France and ravaged much of the French vineyard.

When the French vineyard had practically disappeared, the French winemakers had to look in Spain for the wines they could no longer produce. Its requirements were basically 2, well-communicated areas (mainly by rail) and Grapes of excellent quality. Morata De Jalón was in a privileged position, since it was the only town with a station in the area of Valdejalón/Carignena and its garnachas had the prestige that they are gradually recovering nowadays. So much so, that in the NINETEENTH century, Morata de Jalón, a town with barely 2000 inhabitants, had 26 Wineries.

It was during these years that our wines had more prestige, obtaining multiple international medals (still today can be seen these prizes in our facade):

Zaragoza 1868
Madrid 1877
Paris 1878


So much was the prestige of our wines, that Leopoldo Alas Clarín, speaks of our brand Valdiñon in his most famous work, the Regenta

"On Christmas Day, come and eat the turkey with us. I have sent Lion full of nuts. It'll be exquisite. Besides, I have wine from my land, a walnut that chews…"

Maintaining the same philosophy but knowing how to adapt to the current trends and oenological requirements our winery has

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