Fried green tomatoes

Fried green tomatoes

Fried green tomatoes is an american movie released in 1991 and based on the novel of the same name, written by Fannie Flag. The tape tells of the friendship that is born between two women and how it is fashioned through the story that one of them is going to relate to the other. In that story he talks to her instead of another friend and the mysterious murder of the husband of one of these two women. And throughout the footage, the recipe protagonist is the fried green tomatoes.

fried green Tomatoes

The film was a success in its day and has become a timeless classic with thousands of fans the length and breadth of the planet. Fried green tomatoes is an ode to friendship between two women very different that you have to fight and face enormous challenges in an epoch in which life was not easy. If you like the movie, and you like fried green tomatoes, you can go back to see it and enjoy this simple and delicious dish as film, , whose recipe we explain below step by step.

And that is both the film as the fried green tomatoes were very popular at the beginning of the 90s, coinciding with the premiere of the film, which was also nominated for two Oscar awards, in particular best actress, to the great Jessica Tandy and best adapted screenplay.

on the other hand do not forget that tomatoes are a super food and highly recommended part of the mediterranean diet. The tomato is perfect in salads, as part of our breakfast, ideal for preparing sauces, but especially to take best advantage of their properties when what we consume in crude oil. The tomato, the protagonist of this recipe of fried green tomatoes, is a food with very low calorie content, which however gives us a great amount of water, fiber and vitamins of group B, A and C. Moreover, it also contains a large amount of minerals, which makes it a food very interesting and recommended to our day-to-day.

fried Green Tomatoes: Ingredients

  • 75 grams of Corn Flour “Maizena”
  • 1 tablespoon spicy Cajun
  • ½ cup milk
  • 3 green tomatoes
  • 225 grams of Flour
  • 1 egg
  • 250 ml. of mild Olive Oil
  • 120 gr bread crumbs
  • Salt

Fried Green Tomatoes: Recipe

The recipe for fried green tomatoes that develop in the film is very easy to do. The first thing is to cut the tomatoes into slices that have a thickness of between 2 and 3 inches around.

once you cut the tomatoes, I add a little salt and set aside to reserve, and let the salt go giving it a touch of taste.

While, then add the tablespoon of spices Cajun to the flour.

then beat the egg together with half cup of milk and the bread crumbs with the cornmeal, Cornstarch is highly recommended.

With the mixtures ready, heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat.

While the oil warms up, we turn the tomato slices that have already been seasoned, by mixing the flour with the spices cajun in the first place, and after by the egg mixed with the milk. The third step is to pass the tomatoes with the mixture of bread crumbs with the corn meal.

once we check in with the surface of the tomato is completely covered, and the oil has reached the desired temperature, fry.

The process in the pan to achieve the best taste of these fried green tomatoes, lasts between 3 and 5 minutes. Just when we see that they have taken a golden color, and taking care not to spend and to burn them, remove them from the skillet.

it Is recommended to place them on a plate with absorbent paper so that excess oil and grease left on the paper and not what we consume.

And list the recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes that were in the movie of the same name. Now it only remains to serve and enjoy them. You can accompany Gourmet products to leave with the mouth open to your invitandos. Yes, it is recommended to wait a little bit to serve them and so are not so hot. In addition to the fried green tomatoes are perfect as a starter, as a garnish and you can even serve with some sauces, it all depends on our tastes and the occasion.

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