Rice Author Val de Falcó
We are a small family company dedicated to the production and marketing of different types and varieties of author Rice of extraordinary quality.
For generations, this Valencian family, the Falcó family, has been linked to rice cultivation.
The rice by author Val de Falcó, wink at the family name and rapaz, because it is common to see the Falcon fly (falco in Latin teminologia) above the rice fields.
We look for the best land and the purest waters to produce our author's rice: Valareña
Located near Ejea de los Caballeros (five Villas. Aragon).
The waters from thawing in the Pyrenees are packed in the Yesa swamp and water the rice fields.
A few years ago we launched the marketing of our arroces produced in Aragon.
Today, the arroces come from farms in Aragon and Valencia.
Our customers are catering and specialized food, Gourmet/Delicatessen type and private customers through gourmet Central .

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